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File types, sizes, and accessibility:

  • Uploading a document as one PDF file is mandatory (max. 64 MB), uploading supporting material as one additional ZIP file is optional (max. 512 MB).
  • All uploaded files must not have any access restrictions on reading, printing or copying.
Before uploading a file, change its name to meet the naming scheme of the respective document type:
  • PhD thesis: phdYYYYMMDD_last-name.pdf or, where YYYYMMDD is the date of the author's successful oral defense.
  • Technical report: NN_last-nameYY.pdf, where NN is the number of the technical report and YY the two-digit year of publication.

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Please confirm that you have signed and will submit in person the original Declaration on Publication of your uploaded files and associated data on the World Wide Web.

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